Retailer Enterprise

Would you like to be more competitive and participate in the technology of Omni-Channel selling?

Would you like to participate in Drop-Ship technology and offer the consumer an endless aisle of merchandise?

Would you like to exchange business documents electronically in the digital age?

Do you believe that you are overpaying invoices sent by your vendor community? If so, how would you like to view a three-way match of the PO, Advance Ship Notice, and Items actually received against the invoice to determine accuracy prior to payment?

Would you like to receive your vendors UPCs, item attributes and images along with daily inventory levels so that you know what you can order and exactly how much product is available thus eliminating the need for purchase order acknowledgements and purchase order changes?

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Interprocure’s Marketplace Module and Procure2Pay Sales Module gives retailers all this along with full ERP integration and/or manual processes. 

The choice is yours.  These fully integrated platforms provide tools for your vendor community to upload UPCs, item attributes and images.  It also allows your vendor community to exchange business document electronically, create and send advance ship notice documents and print packing lists and corresponding SSCC (Serialized Shipping Container Code) labels to affix to each carton and/or pallet, and gives the vendor the ability to create and send invoices to their retailer communities based upon what was shipped.  


Interprocure offers its solutions in stand-alone modules or as one complete suite.  We make it effortless and cost effective for every major business entity to play in the world of digital transformation.

Learn More About The Marketplace Module

Marketplace Module

Many retailers today get vendor item information in many disparate ways; spreadsheets, fax, telephone, snail mail, email, etc.  In order for a retailer to create a valid purchase order, the retailer must know exactly what the vendor has for sale.  When a vendor provides this information to the retailer using these different methods, the retailer expends time, effort, money and reduced efficiency to get this item data into their ERP/order entry system.

Interprocure’s Marketplace Module allows vendors to upload, whether manual processes or through integration, their entire product list that they offer for sale.  This allows the retailer to view and/or download the vendors’ UPCs, item attributes and images into their ERP.  The Marketplace Module also offers a daily inventory product level by UPC from each vendor.  The video at the bottom of this page explains the ease of use and benefits to both the retailer and the vendor.  

Inventory Module

Retailers spend a great amount of time adjusting placed purchase orders because they do not know the inventory levels of their vendor community.  If you are a retailer and you are receiving purchase order acknowledgements from your vendors stating that they don’t have enough inventory to fill the order or sending purchase order changes to your vendor community for the same reason, Interprocure’s Inventory Module can eliminate this headache.  Want to take advantage of Omni Channel and Drop-Ship initiatives?  Look no further.

Interprocure’s Inventory Module give you what you need. Integrated or through manual processes, the Inventory Module allows the vendor to upload a daily inventory report at the UPC level and send this report to the retailer on a daily basis.  The retailer receives the data and can either import the document into their ERP or manually view/print the document from the web portal.  Are your merchandisers flooded with calls from vendors stating that they cannot fulfill an order because of lack of inventory?  Not anymore.  The merchandising department orders product based on current vendor inventory levels.  

Whether you want to take full advantage of digital technology or perhaps today’s disruptions are reshaping business strategies, Interprocure’s digital systems may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Are you participating in Drop-Ship and Omni Channel initiatives that are driving success in the retail market?  Knowing your vendors UPCs, item attributes, images and inventory levels lets you participate in these initiatives.  In conjunction with your vendor community, you can offer these services to the consumre.  There is no need for the retailer to purchase and inventory these items.  There is no need on the part of the retailer for shipping product.  Drop-Ship is key!

  • The consumer places the order with the retailer
  • The retailer creates and forwards the PO to the vendor
  • The vendor fulfills and ships the item (with the same look and feel as though the item came from the retailer)  directly to the consumer and provides the retailer with an advance ship notice informing the retailer that the product has shipped
  • The vendor then sends an invoice to the retailer
Learn More About The Inventory Module
Learn More About The Procure2Pay Sales Module

Procure2Pay Sales Module

Whether purchased separately or as a complete suite along with the Marketplace Module and Inventory Module, the Procure2Pay Sales Module will streamline your digital business and allow you to grow your company exponentially.  Are you snail-mailing, phoning, or emailing purchase orders?  Are you using a legacy system that involves an ‘extra’ department within your organization to include hardware, software, hardware and software refresh, people, legacy knowledge, office space, etc?   

The Pay2Procure Sales Module allows retailers and vendors to connect digitally and in real-time.  This cloud-based system is an end-to-end solution designed to allow retailers and vendors to exchange business documents electronically without the need for legacy technology.  The solution gives both retailers and vendors a web portal and integrated digital technology to allow a seamless workflow of business documents into and out of your ERP system.  

  • Provides for the digital exchange of purchase orders, advance ship notices, and invoices
  • Provides the vendor a means to create a packing list for each purchase order
  • Provides the retailer a means to see a three-way match of the purchase order, advance ship notice and items actually received at the retailer’s distribution center or store to ensure that the invoices received from the vendors are correct

The Procure2Pay Sales Module Suite gives the retailer and vendor the benefits of all of our solutions in one simple, easy to use platform thus granting both parties end to end visibility and success!